Back Your Stack

Status: Active
Bottom liner: Alyssa Wright
How to get involved: Join us on the biweekly calls or email Alyssa directly.


Right now, it’s difficult to give resources back to developers who have contributed to code you use. Back Your Stack affords that.

Back Your Stack analyzes your open source software dependencies to find which projects are open for financial contributions, and then provides a way for you to easily support them all. By lowering the barriers to sustainability, Back Your Stack ensures a stronger, more resilient, and more supportive coding ecosystem. Our purpose is to shape the best tools and dialogue about the business of open source sustainability.

Back Your Stack is also more than a working group, but a collaborative effort involving Open Source Collective, Open Collective, Open Source Initiative (OSI), CodeFund, and other organizations and teams.


Our main goal is to make a functional part of the open source ecosystem! We want to encourage contributions, engagement, and reach for the website.

Secondary goals include growing the BYS team, encouraging collaborations, and starting to use the website to disseminate.

Guiding questions

  • How do we prioritize people over metrics?
  • How can we most effectively support people who have contributed code which we use?
  • What is the best way to encourage adoption of payback-schemes to back your stack?
  • How can we ethically use open source code?
  • How do we give back to the communities whose code we use?

Reports and documents

We do not publish or perish! Instead we are creating strategies and tooling for easy open source contribution. For now, this WG does not anticipate making specific reports as part of this effort: rather, the artifact we are producing is


How to get involved

We invite you to join our group, to strategize and create tooling to lower the barriers of open source contribution.

There are multiple ways to get involved!