Trinity College Dublin#

  • OSPO: Yes

  • Personnel: John Whelan, Aoife Tierney

  • Member of: CURIOSS, LERO

General Description#

Trinity College Dublin’s (TCD) OSPO was launched in 2020. The office is a division of Trinity Innovation within the university. The OSPO promotes and supports the principles of open source and open data in knowledge transfer and industry engagement for TCD researchers.

Core Objectives#

The OSPO’s primary function is the empowerment of researchers to execute on their open source and open data strategies. Core activities include:

  • Liaising with external stakeholders and creating partnerships to enable TCD’s academic community to engage in research commercialization, technology transfer, and to affect social change.

  • Supporting open source and open data strategies amongst campus companies.

  • Promoting knowledge transfer.

  • Provision of advice and guidance on open source licenses and alignment with funding conditions.

  • Issue of template agreements for engagement with industry partners.

Primary Contacts#

  • John Whelan

  • Aoife Tierney

Other Context#

Examples of open source spinouts from TCD include Software Radio Systems (SRS) and TerminusDB. SRS is an open software radio company. Their mission is to develop high-performance software radio solutions for 4G and 5G, with complete UE and RAN solutions, supporting the creation of new mobile services. They work with commercial partners to develop custom solutions for bespoke production networks across challenging terrestrial, air-to-ground and satellite deployments.

TerminusDB, the company, is the organization behind TerminusDB, the open source document-oriented graph database focused on collaboration and versioning (as well as query performance).